Saturday, November 21, 2009

Dear Oneness Family,

We have been approached time and again over the last few days to offer clarifications about the current situation that we are faced with in the Oneness Movement. We were deliberately not entertaining these requests as we felt we needed to first approach Sri Bhagavan and clarify things with Him.

In this regard, I am happy to state that I had the opportunity to meet with Sri Bhagavan on the 17th November and discuss elaborately with Him about the decision of all the guides. I also had the opportunity to clearly explain to Him the numerous circumstances that governed their decision.

Sri Bhagavan was happy to know of our position and would arrive at a decision in a week’s time. We wish to inform you of this development to help you feel relaxed and patiently await Sri Bhagavan’s decision.

Thank you for all your support and love and we are very sorry for the confusion that you have been put through.

With love,

Sri Krishnaji

They are like the spirit, all pervading yet abiding in the deepest recesses of one's Being. They are the silent Presence powering the phenomenon of Oneness Blessing everywhere. They are one single consciousness in two bodies. They are supported and loved by more than a 100 million people, Sri Amma Bhagavan are the founders and the inspiration behind the Oneness University. Together Amma and Bhagavan power the process of awakening in the individual seeker. Far removed from the periphery of the various activities of the movement they reside at the Oneness temple.

They are the life breath behind the any number of miracles that are experienced by the seekers. This immense power is sourced in their compassion. They manifest across space and time to people when they seek their help. Oneness Blessing anywhere in the world draws its power from the consciousness and the intent of them. Their consciousness not being limited to their physical body, Amma Bhagavan's manifestation even predates their birth. Sri Amma and Bhagavan do not belong to any one people, one nation or one faith. They are for all mankind.

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